COSPU Folklore Dance Group Program
With this project, we are creating a space for young people to practice art and, at the same time, learn about their culture and that of others; the group is a representation of the diversity that our community represents beyond a place where their dresses they wave with passion, it is a space where we are training community leaders who will represent us in the future, the project includes popular education workshops where young people will gain skills such as improving their self-esteem, advocacy, fundraising, community leadership, how to improve their intrafamily communication In the coming months we will have several workshops with the young people and their fathers and mothers and the idea is to get closer and strengthen their family relationship and together expand our knowledge of their culture and what makes them who they are.

In 2010, a small group of Salvadoran residents in Harrisonburg decided to form the Comité Salvadoreño Paisanos Unidos (COSPU) with the goal of promoting Salvadoran cultural heritage in Harrisonburg and the Greater Shenandoah Valley.
In August of that year, COSPU organized a cultural and sports festival in honor of the Divine Savior of the World, patron saint of El Salvador.
Since then, every year, COSPU has organized what is now known as the Hispanic Festival, a large community gathering that features live Latin music, performers, traditional ethnic foods, lightning men's and women's soccer tournament, children's activities, the crowning of the Queen and King of the festival, as well as craft, vendor and community exhibitions and cultural and heritage information.
This event is made possible by volunteers and donations from organizations, businesses, and individuals, as well as the support and collaboration of the City of Harrisonburg and its Parks and Recreation Department.